Tips to improve concentration in class
1. Try to sit in the first row of the class.I t will help you a lot on focusing in the class and managing all types of distraction.
2. Participate actively in the class.Engage yourself in the discussion.The more engaged you are with the lecture, the more you’ll want to concentrate on it.
3. Turn off your phone during lecture.
4. Take notes during lecture .Writing down the information should help you to concentrate on topic and keep your brain from wandering.
5. Distractions might be due to some physical reason – you’re hungry, or feeling sleepy, or sitting next to noisy classmates, any of these reasons can be solved to improve concentration.
6. Try to cover the topic at home before attending the lecture. Otherwise, you’ll probably be pretty clueless as what is going in the class, and that will make it next to impossible to pay attention.
7. Take a brief break during lecture is a good idea. When you feel your ability to concentrate starting to slip, then change something. Get another pen from your bag. Cross your other leg. Stretch your muscles. It will help you to get you back on track.